Say No to High Heels
They say – you look gorgeous in the new saree, that diamond necklace adds shine to your shine, your long hairs like the waves of waterwall, your eyes and its kajal – like the deep valley . The entire Bollywood industry is full of songs/actions/dramas dedicated to ladies and their kajal, kajra, kangna, choodi, bindi, nathni….But do we ever wait a second and reflect? Does my beauty and my talent is determined and accessed by what I wear?? Conservatives or moderates, both alike majorly assess a women’s bauty by her dress-ups and makeups . Conservatives will suggest and like her wear Sarees which all of us would agree exposes the best curves of her body … whole female figure stands the best exposed in sarees. Moderates and forwards are none the less.. short skirts, minis, tight blouses, jeans all to ensure the female body and its figure is appealing. For that matter even the ladies busines...